Old Fence by Danube 185 mm, 1/2000, f2.8, ISO 100 |
Internet and photography are simply fantastic. All of a sudden you can find your friends from good old school times. It just happened to me. Got in touch with old time mate from high school - Greg - who happened to live in Budapest for now... and has similar interests i.e. photography. We simply had to meet.
So last weekend I spent in Budapest, Hungary, at his place to remember great old school times and took the opportunity to take snaps around the city. At the same time I tried to explain to Greg and his family some of my tips and tricks.
Photography wise it was tough Saturday, in the morning we had few minutes of showers and some clouds and I was hoping for more clouds but then the sun simply started to pour its light onto us, and that was it. I had to deal with harsh and flat light for the rest of the day. I have been to Budapest before quite few times but never had enough time to scroll around and to concentrate on shooting. This time it was different, my main objective was to scroll around together and shoot or mainly to find good spots for the future. Of course we started with the most known places and tried to take different photographs. I am not sure if I had fully managed that but I tried. I must spend few weeks in Budapest to really capture the feeling of this great city. Danube banks in Budapest are simply amazing and so much different to Vienna. There are so many spots you want to capture and so little time, especially with good light. Good sunny weather is not ideal for that purpose.

To deal with daylight sun I decided to use mainly my 10 stops grey filter to be able to use long exposures that would give me some different feelings. In general I like long exposures, pictures shot with 10-30 seconds or minutes show different reality. Like if we were somewhere frozen in longer chunks of time, like if we stopped by and the world kept spinning around by us and left us intact.
In some cases I also applied soft ND grad filters and also tested with Singh-Ray Gold-N-Blue polarizer. I wanted to transform dull scenes into something more interesting.
I am posting few examples.
We are by Budapest Citadel, Gelert's Hill, noon sun high in the sky slightly behind me. Composed the frame to get more clouds and wanted to pop-up some non-existing colours from flat light.
Mounted Gold-N-Blue polarizer and used 3 stops soft ND grad and 3 stops grey filter from Lee.
It is not ideal, but I still like it. Especially bluish sky and dark clouds. They remind me of Iron Maiden album's cover - Brave New World. You should see that cover to compare (and of course listen to the album!)...
Just cut off trees in front and crop square and it is like Brave New World cover....