Sunday, September 22, 2013

Leopoldine Temple, Esterházy Palace Park, Eisenstadt

wow, wow, wow.
I found time to shoot something landscapish...
Out of my dungeon. One camera, few filters and morning light. 
For a long time I wanted to visit Eisenstadt and the park, see Leopoldine Temple located in park of Esterházy palace. Finally I went there. To be honest I overslept, and was too late for sunrise, but I treated this trip as location scouting exercise. Lots of stuff to photograph there.
3 filters used. polarizer, 1 stop soft nd grad, 10 stops nd..

When light became hard, played wee bit with not used for a long time filter. Gold-N-Blue Polarizer.
Which version do you prefer:
Left - Blue?
Right - Brownish?


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